Search results for: patents
Showing results 11 - 20 of 244
Chemical Patents – How to Get the Protection You Want in Europe Part 2: Supporting the Invention
Part 1: Defining the Invention Part 3: Amendments at the EPO As those familiar with the patent granting process will know, a European patent is obtained via the European Patent Office (EPO). For a E...
Chemical Patents – How to Get the Protection You Want in Europe Part I: Defining the Invention
Part 2: Supporting the Invention Part 3: Amendments at the EPO As those familiar with the patent process will know, a European patent is obtained via the European Patent Office (EPO). In order to ge...
Machine Learning and Patents – A Guide for Patent Attorneys in Chemistry and Life Sciences
Machine learning and artificial intelligence have gained an explosion of attention in recent years as a tool that can be deployed against a wide variety of problems. Indeed, the applications of mach...
Patents for Startups and Investors: Dealmakers or Dealbreakers? | In association with the Entrepreneurship club of the London Business School | 19.04.21
Monday 19th April 2021 19:00 – 20:00 BST What will the event cover? Patenting takes time, so should be planned ahead. One of the considerations for a startup’s patenting strategy could be it...