Thursday 13 January 2022, 4:00 PM (London UK – BST) 2 hours
This event will be free for BioMedEng members, but non-members will be charged a £30 attendance fee (equivalent to an annual BioMedEng membership).
What will the event cover?
The BioMedEng Association is hosting an industry event on 13th January 2022 via Microsoft Teams Live from 4pm – 6pm. The event will provide an opportunity for the BioMedEng community to engage with key firms in the MedTech sector.
Chartered UK and European Patent Attorney Chris Poll will be delivering the presentation: ‘IP Strategy in MedTech: Maximising the Value of Your Innovation’.
Investing in intellectual property, which includes patents, registered designs and trade marks, is a key driver to enhancing the revenue of a business. Innovation in the medical technology field is rapidly growing; more European patent applications were filed in 2020 for inventions in medical technology than in any other sector. In this presentation, patent attorney Dr Chris Poll of Gill Jennings & Every LLP discusses how start-ups, SMEs and larger companies can maximise the value in their innovation through a carefully planned IP strategy
Who will be speaking?
Chris Poll works with clients in a variety of subject areas across the engineering, electronics and software industries. With a particular interest in the BioMedEng sector, Chris has experience working on diagnosis and monitoring devices, such as respiratory monitors and devices for bodily analysis, and medical devices including replacement heart valves, catheters, aspirators and surgical hand-pieces, and pacemakers. Chris’ work involves drafting and prosecuting UK and European patent applications, managing client portfolios, providing strategic IP advice, FTO analysis, and attending EPO hearings.
About BioMedEng
The BioMedEng Association is a not-for-profit organisation that advances education and knowledge transfer in Biomedical Engineering, Medical Engineering and Bioengineering. The organisation has held the annual UK bioengineering conference for over ten years and these meetings have grown to become the UK’s largest gathering of practitioners in the sector. Beyond the successful conferences, the BioMedEng Council, comprised of representatives from 20+ UK universities and institutions that offer qualifications in the discipline commenced proceedings to formalise the association, and promote the study and practice of the discipline.