Machine learning and artificial intelligence have gained an explosion of attention in recent years as a tool that can be deployed against a wide variety of problems. Indeed, the applications of machine learning are no longer limited to the field of computer science. In chemistry and life sciences machine learning is being actively used in techniques such as drug discovery, immunotherapy and molecule behaviour prediction. This cross-over in technologies means that it is essential for IP advisors to up-skill to ensure they are able to provide the best advice to their clients or employers. For many chemists this has come as a bit of a shock. Years of training in advanced chemical disciplines are of limited use when confronted with the question of how best to protect an invention that uses machine learning to predict the quantity of a target organism in an assay.
This paper is designed as a guide for those chemist patent attorneys. Our hope is to help you understand what you need to know, and when to know that you might need assistance from a friendly patent attorney specialising in computer implemented inventions.
Click here for Machine Learning and Patents – A Guide for Patent Attorneys in Chemistry and Life Sciences
Please do get in touch if you have any questions concerning machine learning and artificial intelligence and what it might mean for your innovation. Find our contact details on our website profiles here and here or contact us at gje@gje.com.