We are delighted to be recognised in the 2023 WTR 1000. The publication recognises the world’s leading Trade Mark firms and practitioners through rigorous and independent research.
The 2023 publication remarks that “Gill Jennings & Every has developed a stellar reputation on the market through providing high-value strategic advice and contentious support.”
Alongside the firm rankings, GJE partners Alasdair MacQuarrie and Edward Carstairs have both been ranked in the ‘Individuals: prosecution and strategy’ category and both have received fantastic testimonials from clients.
Alasdair is hailed as being “an indispensable part of his clients’ in-house teams. He develops an innate familiarity and knowledge of the brands he works with and is a top attorney for work in both the UK and the EU.”
Edward is celebrated as an “outstanding trademark lawyer. He always provides very thorough, clear, complete and commercial advice. Edward is always available, keen to understand the general strategy and vision of the companies he works with, and always advises on what is best both legally and strategically.”
Follow the link to read the full review of GJE on World Trade Mark Review.