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A recent report by the Solar Energy Industries Association[a] has drawn attention to the utilisation of solar power in big tech companies in the USA with Apple, Amazon and Google each ranked in the top US companies for installed solar energy capacity.

Apple led the way with 393.3 megawatts in the USA at the end of 2018.  Apple HQ in California is powered by 100% renewable energy, including a rooftop solar installation and biogas fuel cells.

Amazon follows Apple in a close second place, with 329.8 megawatts in the USA.  Amazon has committed to switching to 80% renewable energy by 2024 and 100% renewable energy by 2030[b].

Google, with 142.9 megawatts, also find themselves in the top 10.  In 2017 Google bought enough renewable energy to match 100 percent of their global annual electricity usage, this was again matched in 2018.  Google has also recently announced new renewable energy deals, in the US, Chile and Europe, for 1,600 megawatts of renewable power[c].

On a similar note, two of the top corporate buyers of renewable energy in the USA in 2018 were big tech companies: Facebook (1894.5 megawatts) and Microsoft (405 megawatts)[d].

Be it through the generation of energy from renewable sources, or renewable energy deals, big tech companies are leading the way in the use of renewables.  This should provide some confidence in both the sustainability, and growth, of the renewable sector.

Renewable energy is one of the specialisms of the Advanced Engineering group at Gill Jennings and Every.  If you are involved in the renewable energy sector, the Advanced Engineering group at Gill Jennings and Every would be happy to help with your IP needs.  We can be contacted via; if you would like more information, our brochure can be found here.



