Plant Variety Rights
Safeguard your investment in developing new plant varieties and build long-term success
We can help you to file applications to register new plant variety rights in Europe and the UK. Beyond that, we can advise you on the strategies that will ensure you obtain plant variety protection in other jurisdictions around the world.
Plant variety rights are a form of intellectual property, which are very different from patents and trade marks. They have been specifically designed to protect new varieties of plants that meet the criteria of being distinct, uniform and stable. In Europe, it isn’t possible to obtain patent protection for a plant variety as such or for an essentially biological process, like a plant breeding method.
Therefore, plant variety rights enable you as a plant breeder to obtain a level of protection you can use to leverage your development for commercial success. If you have a new plant variety, you can apply to the Community Plant Variety Office for European-wide protection. Alternatively, if you are only interested in obtaining protection in the UK, your application can be filed at the UK Plant Variety Rights Office. We can guide you through the process to protect what’s important to you.
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