Harnessing the power of intellectual property

Our expert attorneys will help your business to flourish by putting intellectual property right at its heart

GJE Ranked No.1 in the Financial Times’ Awards

GJE is proud to have been recognised with the highest possible rankings by the Financial Times in its 2024 survey of Europe’s leading patent law firms

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Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court

New Patent, New Court, Same Attorneys. We guide you through the big shake up in Europe’s patent system with our FAQs.

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We have the experience and talent needed to be trusted with IP portfolios for some of the world’s leading companies and brands.

GJE is ranked as one of the leading firms of European patent attorneys by the Financial Times.  Our patent, design and trade mark attorneys are here to help you navigate the world of IP, regardless of your level of experience in the field.  We work as part of your team, bringing legal, technical and commercial expertise to help protect your innovation, brand and designs, and to turn this into commercial success.

IP is complex – but in that complexity, there are great opportunities that we can help you uncover.  Whether you want to mitigate risk, secure investment, or confidently plan for growth, what matters is that you get sound advice from people who understand your business.  Our intellectual property attorneys are here to provide that for you.

GJE team member photography GJE offices

Our expertise

Services & Sectors

We provide a comprehensive patents, trade marks and designs service across all industries, to ensure your IP stays secure

Patents Icon


Our patent attorneys are focused on every aspect of securing and fighting for the intellectual property rights that will give you the best competitive advantage.  

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Trademark Icon

Trade Marks

Our trade mark attorneys can advise you on selecting, protecting, and ensuring your trade mark is used to build a strong brand.  

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We'll capture the value of your designs so you can protect your products and build your brand in the UK, Europe, and across the world.

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Science and Biotech Icon

Life Sciences & Biotech

Innovation in biotech is complex and often high risk.  Our team will help you to protect your intellectual property and use it to build success

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Chemistry & Pharma Icon

Chemistry & Pharma

Patent protection is a key element in the commercial success of pharmaceutical products, and industrial chemistry.  As scientists and patent attorneys we have broad experience across the entire sector

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Computer Technology & AI Icon

Computer Technology & AI

We are experts in the ever-evolving law surrounding patentable computer implemented innovations, we support everyone from start-ups to tech giants.

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Physics & Engineering

Industries as diverse as aerospace, MedTech, and telecoms rely on our experts to advise them as to how to leverage IP to secure their products and processes.

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Industrial Design & Consumer Products

From fashion to FMCG, we recognise that IP comes in a wide variety of forms. We are experts in registered and unregistered design protection across Europe, and are on hand to design the right IP strategy which will help your ideas flourish.

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Branding & Trade Marks

We design strong, bespoke brand strategies which fit your business aims to help you protect your marketplace identity and develop your brand for future success.  

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Meet our team

GJE’s team of intellectual property experts – including patent attorneys, design attorneys and trade mark attorneys – brings unrivaled expertise from industries as diverse as life sciences and structural engineering.

We understand the technical and legal environments you’re working in and how they will impact your business strategy, and we use that knowledge to tailor the advice we give you.  Our combination of legal, technical and commercial expertise will help turn your innovations, brands and designs into commercial success.

The importance of intellectual property to your business cannot be overstated – and by providing clear, creative and expert advice we can assist you in protecting, exploiting and managing your IP assets to maximise their value.

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